Fail and Fail Again

Saturday Push Day and I failed to make any of my goals today. Didn’t run a mile before walking, didn’t sprint, didn’t make it up the hill without stopping.


It’s been a week or two of failure after failure.

I embarked on another 14 day fast with thoughts of maybe going 21. Stopped on day 5.


I didn’t lift weights during the fast, but after I also didn’t do my 3 days a a week routine for two weeks.


Then when I did lift weights I was supposed to do 5×5 with 70lbs dumbbells for squats. Did one set with 50, one set with 60 and then only 3 sets of 5 at 70. Not bad, but then I skipped the overhead press and deadlift completely.


Surely I can do my Supernatural VR workout which is my favorite thing to do. New, longest ever workout, 60 minutes of Medium level boxing. Boxing, a medium level boxing is like a hard level flow routine for me. And for the first time I actually failed to complete a routine I started. I only did half.


Worse of all, I had to dig up some of my bigger clothes because I’ve gained fat weight again.


Do I feel like a failure? No. Well, I’m very unhappy about the fat gain, but the rest is just success unhelpfully labeled as failure. You can’t fail a fast, you merely end it earlier than planned. I did my body good with each and every one of those “failure to meet my expectation” exercises.

Life isn’t a sprint. It’s not even a marathon. It’s a journey filled with success and failure, triumph and stumbles. And most of life is in between the two extremes. Putting in the daily work, and some days better than others.

Each of these failures is far better than anything I could have done 3 years ago when I started. Needed a cain to walk, struggled with stairs, and highly diabetic on 3 meds.

I press on, I will not give up. I will do more.

How much more? A little more.

How far? A bit farther.


3 years and counting in my health recovery journey. A lifetime more to go.

p.s.  Always consult your own health team for your specific needs

p.p.s. Educate yourself to fully participate in your health strategy 

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  1. I ‘m glad you got things back into perspective again Lee .Sometimes we just need to listen to what our bodies are telling us . It’s not as tho you have given up ..most of us wouldn’t be able to achieve what you are continuing to do .You are amazing .😗