Posted by: leebase | May 18, 2024

Saturday Push Day – Victimized by Fitness

On Saturday’s I aim to push my heart rate into the 95% of max to kick off adaptations that make my heart stronger and hopefully put off the impending heart attack.

I had a much better week working on my fitness. Last week’s “bad Lee” week was not repeated.

Nothing gets my heart rate up like running and the spring weather was beautiful for some running, sprinting and walking.

I pushed pretty hard and my heart rate didn’t get near zone 5 (90% and above). What gives? I’ve fallen victim to my heart becoming more fit.

My resting heart rate used to be in the mid 80s and had fallen into the low 60s. That’s a fantastic improvement in heart health. And now I appear to have improved my hearth health past my leg and arm muscle’s ability to push into the highest intensity levels.

I will push onward anyway.

This week I got back in the groove with my strength training going from 115 to 120 and the 125lbs for my squats.

Progressive overload – or as I put it:

How much more? A little more.

How much farther? A bit farther.


3 years and counting in my health recovery journey. A lifetime more to go.

p.s.  Always consult your own health team for your specific needs

p.p.s. Educate yourself to fully participate in your health strategy 

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