Posted by: leebase | October 7, 2012

20% Less of Lee

There is now 20% less of Lee.  I started this journey to health and fitness last April 13th (Lucky Friday the 13th), at 309lbs with a 55” belly.  I am now 245.4 and have lost 7.5” around both my belly and waist.   I haven’t been able to wear last spring’s pants in awhile, and tried to get a last wear or two with some of my dress shirts this past week.  No more, they look terrible on me, pockets half way down my chest, huge gap in the neck.

My transition to low carb is going well.  I’m down to 60 or so grams carb a day half the days of the week, with a couple days around 100, and usually 1 “bad carb” day.  I still track with MyFitnessPal, haven’t missed a day since I started.  I think tracking what I eat is THE most life change I’ve made with respect to losing weight.

That said, it’s been a tough month.  I’m having to work much harder for less results.  I lost only 6.8lbs this past month.  I’ve been traveling which really cuts back my walking.  Going to have to up the intensity, try the elliptical machine or stairs to get more calories burned in less time.

I’ve also started lifting weights, at least when I travel.  Most any hotel I stay in has dumbbells.   I don’t do much yet, but it’s a start.  I found a tennis partner and we play once a week.  He beats me every week, but we seem to have a good time.

I rediscovered Goodwill.  I can’t afford to buy a complete work wardrobe every two months.  Now I’m a more normal size, and I found 5 pairs of work pants and a dress shirt for $28.  It’s more like renting as I’ll be donating them back in a few months :).

Now for the embarrassing report on my vanity.  I dyed my hair…Just For Men is now Just for Lee.   I consider it progress.  I’m actually paying attention to the guy in the mirror, and making steps to get healthy and fit.  Why not improve my hair as well?

Onward and downward.  Next big goal is crossing from obese to merely overweight.


  1. Hey Lee, congratulations! You look great. And a pound a week is fantastic at any stage of the game!

    • Thanks Alan, how’s your own progress?

  2. I’m a lady (lost 40 pounds so far) who also discovered Goodwill and hair dye! Congratulations on your success! My husband is also dieting and has lost 42 pounds.

    • Congrats to both of you. Thanks for stopping by

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